NEUROGES Training I: Understanding body movement in interaction The analysis of nonverbal behaviour with NEUROGES®-ELAN

01. February 2023 - 28. February 2023


The analysis of body motion in interaction remains a methodological challenge in gesture and multi-modal interaction research. While Birdwhistell’s original approach of kinesic recording (1952) was based on the identification of kines as isolated units of body motion, the method presented in this seminar operates with more complex phenomenological classes of body movements identified on neuropsychological grounds, as a reflection of mental processes.

In addition to the theoretical introduction to nonverbal behaviour analysis (among others dealing with behaviour segmentation, operationalization of body movement types and registration of body movement laterality), the seminar includes practical sessions with self-experience exercises and training of kinesic behaviour coding with NEUROGES®-ELAN ( Furthermore, recent empirical data on kinesic behaviour and nonverbal interaction are presented. Participants can acquire a NEUROGES rater certificate after successful exam.

The training will be conducted according to Covid safety precautions specified by German public authorities effective in March 2023.

Lecturers: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hedda Lausberg, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ingo Helmich, Sabrina von Au (M.Sc.), Florian Klingner (M.Sc.), (Daniele Marchioni (M.A.)

Dates & Venue:

March, 20 – 23, 2023

German Sport University Cologne
Department of Neurology, Psychosomatic Medicine, and Psychiatry
Am Sportpark Muengersdorf  6
D-50933 Koeln, Germany

Registration deadline: February 28, 2023


The number of participants is limited to 8.

Seminar Fees:

220 €, reduced 170 € (for students)

Forthcoming seminars:

Gesture and Action Analysis and

Research Methodology in Gesture and Nonverbal Interaction Studies

August, 08 – 11, 2023, Cologne, Germany

Package of both seminars: 400 €, reduced 300 € (for students)