The NEUROGES® system is applied in several research studies that have been published in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings. Purely methodical publications about the NEUROGES® system are also included in the list below


The Neuroscience of Gesture Production

Lausberg, H. (2024). The Neuroscience of Gesture Production. In: The Cambridge Handbook of Gesture Studies (Alan Cienki, Ed.). Cambridge University Press.



Production of co-speech gestures in the right hemisphere: Evidence from individuals with complete or anterior callosotomy

Lausberg, H., Dvoretska, D., Ptito, A. (2023). Production of co-speech gestures in the right hemisphere: Evidence from individuals with complete or anterior callosotomy. Neuropsychologia.


Multimodal manifestation of ta‘ârof in Persian

Farahandouz, F. & Moallemi, S. (2023). Multimodal manifestation of ta‘ârof in Persian. In: A.H. Jucker, I. Hübscher, L. Brown (Eds.). Multimodal Im/politeness. Signed, spoken, written. John Benjamins Publishing Company.


Nonverbal hand movements serve self-related functions in blind individuals

Helmich, I., Schepmann, J. (2023). Nonverbal hand movements serve self-related functions in blind individuals. Behavioural Brain Research 453.


Phasic and repetitive self-touch differ in hemodynamic response in the prefrontal cortex - An fNIRS study

Von Au, S., Helmich, I., Kieffer, S., Lausberg, H. (2023). Phasic and repetitive self-touch differ in hemodynamic response in the prefrontal cortex - An fNIRS study. Front. Neuroergon. 4:1266439. doi: 10.3389/fnrgo.2023.1266439



Study on hand movements accompanied during the description of dance appreciation

Kim, Z. H., & Lausberg, H. (2022). Study on hand movements accompanied during the description of dance appreciation. In: C. Fernandes, V. Evola, C. Ribeiro (Eds.) Dance Data, Cognition and Multimodal Communication, pp. 333-345. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, London and New York.


Der Körper in der Psychotherapie

Lausberg, H. (2022). Der Körper in der Psychotherapie. In: M. Ermann und D. Huber (Hrsg.) Lindauer Beiträge zur Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik. Kohlhammer.



Bewegungsverhalten bei Patient*innen mit sozialer Phobie: Eine Mikroanalyse der Kopfbewegungen und ihrer Synchronisation mit den Handbewegungen

Wettstein, A.M. (2021). Bewegungsverhalten bei Patient*innen mit sozialer Phobie: Eine Mikroanalyse der Kopfbewegungen und ihrer Synchronisation mit den Handbewegungen. Masterarbeit am Institut für Experimentelle Psychologie, Abt. Klinische Psychologie, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf und am Institut für Bewegungstherapie, bewegungsorientierte Prävention und Rehabilitation, Abt. Neurologie, Psychosomatik und Psychiatrie, Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln.


Hand movements that change during psychotherapy and their relation to therapeutic outcome: An analysis of individual and simultaneous movements

Reinecke, K.C.H., Joraschky, P. & Lausberg, H. (2021).
Hand movements that change during psychotherapy and their relation to therapeutic outcome:
An analysis of individual and simultaneous movements. Psychotherapy Research, DOI: 10.1080/10503307.2021.1925989


Hemispheric specialization for nonverbal gestures depicting motion and space

Helmich, I., Voelk, M., Coenen, J., Xi, L., Reinhardt, J., Mueller, S., Schepmann J., Lausberg, H. (2021). Hemispheric specialization for nonverbal gestures depicting motion and space. Brain and Cognition 151.


Neuropsychological functions of nonverbal hand movements and gestures during sports

Neumann, N., Drewes, V., Konstantinidis, I. Reinecke, K.H.C., Lausberg, H. & Helmich, I. (2021). Neuropsychological functions of nonverbal hand movements and gestures during sports, Jounal of Cognitive Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/20445911.2021.1998075


Nonverbal moments of meeting – an analysis of three psychodynamic therapy sessions

Bleimling, J. (2021). Nonverbal moments of meeting - an analysis of threee psychodynamic therapy sessions. Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy, DOI:10.1080/17432979.2021.1888805


Nonverbales Bewegungsverhalten, Emotionen und Sport

Helmich, I., Neumann, N., Drewes, V. (2021). Nonverbales Bewegungsverhalten, Emotionen und Sport. In: Impulse. Das Wissenschaftsmagazin der Deutschen Sporthochschule Köln, 2/2021.


The role of somatosensory stimulation in social phobia - An analysis of hand coordination in patients and therapeutic dyads during psychodynamic psychotherapy

Reinecke, K.C.H., Neumann, N.D., Joraschky, P., Lausberg, H. (2021). The role of somatosensory stimulation in social phobia - An analysis of hand coordination in patients and therapeutic dyads during psychodynamic psychotherapy. Counselling & Psychotherapy Research, 00, 1-15. DOI: 10.1002/capr.12474.



Fidgeting Behavior During Psychotherapy: Hand Movement Structure Contains Information About Depressive Symptoms

Reinecke, K.C.H., Dvoretska, D., Joraschky, P. & Lausberg, H. (2020).
Fidgeting Behavior During Psychotherapy: Hand Movement Structure Contains Information About Depressive Symptoms. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy.


Microanalysis of pointing gestures during psychotherapy with patients with social phobia

Reinecke, K.C.H., Neumann, N., Joraschky, P., Lausberg, H. (2020). Microanalysis of pointing gestures during psychotherapy with patients with social phobia. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Abstracts of the eighth annual scientific conference of the European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine (EAPM). Paper No. 373. Elsevier.


Spontaneous head movements characterize losing athletes during competition

Drewes, V., Neumann, N., Konstantinidis, I., Helmich, I. (2020). International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching. Vol. 15(5-6) 669-676. SAGE.



Coordination of patients’ and therapists’ conceptual phases in hand movements that accompany speech during psychotherapy sessions

Coordination of patients’ and therapists’ conceptual phases in hand movements that accompany speech during psychotherapy sessions (Poster).
GESPIN 2019, 11-13 September 2019


Gestische Kommunikation

Gestische Kommunikation. Hedda Lausberg im Gespräch mit Peter Geißler (2019). In: Psychoanalyse & Körper, Nr. 34, 18 (1), S. 13-20.


Hyperactive behavior of athletes with post-concussion symptoms

Helmich, I. & Lausberg, H. (2019). Hyperactive behavior of athletes with post-concussion symptoms. Abstract. Indianapolis, IN 2019 Sports Concussion Conference. July 26 - 28  2019.


Hyperactive movement behaviour of athletes with post-concussion

Helmich, H., Nussbaum, N., Lausberg H. (2020). Hyperactive movement behavior of athletes with post-concussion symptoms. Behavioural Brain Research, Vol. 380, Elsevier.


Nonverbal hand movement durations indicate post-concussion symptoms of athletes

Helmich, I. & Lausberg, H. (2019). Nonverbal hand movement durations indicate post-concussion symptoms of athletes. Abstract. Indianapolis, IN 2019 Sports Concussion Conference.


Nonverbal hand movement durations indicate post-concussion symptoms of athletes_JoN

Helmich, I. & Lausberg, H. (2019). Nonverbal hand movement durations indicate post-concussion symptoms of athletes. Journal of Neurotrauma.


Symptoms after sport-related concussions alter gestural functions

Helmich, I., Reinecke, K.C.H., Meuter, K., Simalla, N., Ollinger, N., Junge, R., Lausberg, H. (2019). Symptoms after sport-related concussions alter gestural functions. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport.


Synchrones Bewegungsverhalten zwischen Patienten und Therapeuten in der Psychotherapie und der Zusammenhang mit dem Symptomverlauf

Reinecke, K., Neumann, N., Joraschky, P., Lausberg, H. (2019). Synchrones Bewegungsverhalten zwischen Patienten und Therapeuten in der Psychotherapie und der Zusammenhang mit dem Symptomverlauf. Abstract. Deutscher Kongress für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, 20. bis 22. März 2019, Berlin. Veröffentlcht in: Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie 1/2019. ISSN: 1438-3608.


The NEUROGES® Analysis System for Nonverbal Behavior and Gesture

Lausberg, H. (2019). The NEUROGES® Analysis System for Nonverbal Behavior and Gesture. The Complete Research Coding Manual including an Interactive Video Learning Tool and Coding Template. Peter Lang, Berlin.


Therapist’s Conversation Skills and Changes in Hand Movement - a microanalytic evaluation on Motivational Interviewing training

Reinecke, K.C.H., Kopec, A., Thönnißen, L., & Lausberg, H. (2019). Therapist’s Conversation Skills and Changes in Hand Movement - a microanalytic evaluation on Motivational Interviewing training (Poster). European CogSci Bochum 2019, 2 - 4 September 2019.



Altered hand movement behavior in athletes with a history of a sport-related concussion.

Helmich I, Simalla N, Ollinger N, Junge R, Reinecke K, Lausberg H (2018) Altered hand movement behavior in athletes with a history of a sport-related concussion. 50. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie (asp 2018), Köln, Deutschland, 10. - 12. Mai 2018. Page 129.


Altered hand movement behavior in athletes with a history of a sport-related concussion (ESCAN)

Helmich I, Simalla N, Ollinger N, Junge R, Reinecke K, Lausberg H (2018) Altered hand movement behavior in athletes with a history of a sport-related concussion. European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (ESCAN 2018), Leiden, Netherlands, 19. – 22.07.2018. Page 100.


Kinesic Synchrony between Patient and Therapist in Psychodynamic Psychotherapies.

Reinecke, K. C. H., Neumann, N., Joraschky, P., Lausberg, H. (2018). Kinesic Synchrony between Patient and Therapist in Psychodynamic Psychotherapies. 2nd Symposium on Embodied Interaction: Gesture, Touch and Embodied Meaning-making. University of Southern Denmark, June 26-27, 2018. Book of abstracts, pp. 58-60.


Koreans and Germans: Cultural Differences in Hand Movement Behavior and Gestural Repertoire

Kim, Z. H., Lausberg, H. (2018). Koreans and Germans: Cultural Differences in Hand Movement Behavior and Gestural Repertoire. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research. DOI: 10.1080/17475759.2018.1475296.


Non-verbal irregular movements during psychodynamic psychotherapy as a marker for comorbid depression in patients with social phobia

Reinecke, K. C. H., Dvoretska, D.., Joraschky, P., Lausberg, H. (2018). Non-verbal irregular movements during psychodynamic psychotherapy as a marker for comorbid depression in patients with social phobia. German Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine, Berlin, March 21- 24, 2018. E-book of abstracts, P – 134


Nonverbale Interaktion

Lausberg, H. (2018). Nonverbale Interaktion (Kapitel 12). In: Kommunikative Kompetzenz in der Medizin. Ein Lehrbuch zur Theorie, Didaktik, Praxis und Evaluation der ärztlichen Gesprächsführung. A. Koerfer, C. Albus (Hrsg.). Verlag für Gesprächsführung. Kostenloses E-Book (Open Access), ISBN: 978-3-936656-71-8.


Processing Emotional Expression in the Dance of a Foreign Culture: Gestural Responses of Germans and Koreans to Ballet and Korean Dance

Kim, Z. H., Lausberg, H. (2018). Processing Emotional Expression in the Dance of a Foreign Culture: Gestural Responses of Germans and Koreans to Ballet and Korean Dance. Journal of Movement Arts Literacy. Vol. 4 No. 1


Selbstberührungen und andere nonverbale Zeichen im ärztlichen Gespräch

Lausberg, H. (2018). Selbstberührungen und andere nonverbale Zeichen im ärztlichen Gespräch. Non-, para- und verbale Kommunikationsaspekte. In: Jana Jünger (Ed.) Ärztliche Kommunikation. Praxisbuch zum Masterplan Medizinstudium 2020. S. 64-69. Schattauer.



Effect of Stress Level on Different Forms of Self-Touch in Pre- and Postadolescent Girls

Densing, K., Konstantinidis, I., Seiler, M. (2017). Effect of Stress Level on Different Forms of Self-Touch in Pre- and Postadolescent Girls. Journal of Motor Behavior. DOI: 10.1080/00222895.2017.1367640


Hand rest positions of patients with social phobia and therapists in psychodynamic psychotherapy session

Neumann, N., Kreyenbrink, I., Reinecke, K.C.H., Lausberg, H. (2017). Hand rest positions of patients with social phobia and therapists in psychodynamic psychotherapy sessions (SOPHO-NET project). Journal of Multimodal Communication Studies, 4(1 - 2), 50 - 55. doi:10.14746/jmcs


Nonverbales Verhalten von Patienten mit sozialen Phobien und ihren Therapeuten in psychodynamischen Psychotherapien (Teilprojekt SOPHO-NET)

Kreyenbrink I., Joraschky P., Konstantinidis I., Neumann N., Lausberg H. (2017). Nonverbales Verhalten von Patienten mit sozialen Phobien und ihren Therapeuten in psychodynamischen Psychotherapien (Teilprojekt SOPHO-NET). Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, 63/2017, pp. 297-313.



Co-speech hand movements during narrations: What is the impact of right vs. left hemisphere brain damage?

Hogrefe K, Rein R, Skomroch H, Lausberg H (2016). Co-speech hand movements during narrations: What is the impact of right vs. left hemisphere brain damage?  Neuropsychologia, 93, 176-188.


Gender-Specific Implicit Emotional Processing in Alexithymic Individuals

Lausberg, H., Helmich, I., & Sassenberg, U., & Petermann, K. (2016). Gender-Specific Implicit Emotional Processing in Alexithymic Individuals. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Abstract.


Kinemo Software: Towards automated gesture annotation with ms Kinect

Juszczyk, K. & Ciecierski, K. (2016). Kinemo Software: Towards automated gesture annotation with ms Kinect. Proceedings of the 9th meeting of MASI. 25th - 27th August 2016. Universität Würzburg.


Kulturelle Unterschiede in der Darstellung des eigenen Erlebens durch Beobachten des Balletts Giselle und des koreanischen Tanzes Sung-Mu: Ein Vergleich von Deutschen und Koreanern anhand des sprachbegleitenden Handbewegungsverhaltens

Kim, Z. H. (2016). Dissertation am Institut für Bewegungstherapie, bewegungsorientierte Prävention und Rehabilitation, Fachbereich für Neurologie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie der Deutschen Sporthochschule Köln.


Nonverbales Verhalten von Therapeut und Patient in erfolgreichen psychodynamischen Psychotherapien zur Behandlung sozialer Phobien

Kreyenbrink, I., Joraschky, P., & Lausberg, H. (2016). Abstract presented at Deutscher Kongress für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, 16. bis 19. März 2016, Potsdam. Abstractbuch, S. 45.



EasyDIAg: A tool for easy determination of interrater agreement

Holle, H., Rein, R. (2015): EasyDIAg: A tool for easy determination of interrater agreement. Behav Res Methods 47, 837-847.


How the doctor's behaviour influences the patient's behaviour

Gabor, N., Vitinius, F., Obliers, R., Schreer, O., Masneri, S., Ritter, A., & Lausberg, H. (2015). How the doctor's behaviour influences the patient's behaviour. Abstract presented at Deutscher Kongress für Psychsosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, 25. -28. März 2015, Berlin.


Multimodal communication in career coaching session: lexical and gestural corpus study

Konat, B., Juszczyk, K. (2015). Multimodal communication in career coaching session: lexical and gestural corpus study. In: Empirical Methods in Language Studies - Lodz Studies in Language (ppo. 195-212) Editors: K Kosecki, J. Badio. Peter Lang Editions.


Persistent post-concussive symptoms are accompanied by decreased functional brain oxygenation

Helmich, I., Saluja, R.S., Lausberg, H., Kempe, M., Furley P., Berger, A., Chen, J.-K., & Ptito, A. (2015). Persistent post-concussive symptoms are accompanied by decreased functional brain oxygenation. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. DOI:10.1176/appi.neuropsych.14100276


The revised NEUROGES-ELAN system: An objective and reliable interdisciplinary analysis tool for nonverbal behavior and gesture

Lausberg H., & Sloetjes H. (2015). The revised NEUROGES-ELAN system. An objective and reliable interdisciplinary analysis tool for nonverbal behavior and gesture. Behavior Research Methods. DOI: 10.3758/s13428-015-0622-z.



Body movements and mental illness: Alterations of movement behavior associated with eating disorders, schizophrenia, and depression

Lausberg, H. (2014). Body movements and mental illness: Alterations of movement behavior associated with eating disorders, schizophrenia, and depression. In: Müller, Cienki, Fricke, Ladewig, McNeil, Bressem (eds.). Body - Language - Communication (HSK 38.2). An International Handbook on Multimodality in Human Interaction, p. 1905-1913. De Gruyter.


Frühidentifizierung von Therapieabbrechern in der Psychotherapie

Dvoretska, D., Joraschky, P., & Lausberg, H. (2014, 26. - 29. März). Frühidentifizierung von Therapieabbrechern in der Psychotherapie. Abstract presented at the Deutscher Kongress für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie Berlin.


Gestural behaviour as an indicator for measuring the quality of a doctor-patient-relationship

Gabor, N., Vitinius, F., Obliers, R., Ritter, A., Lausberg, H. (2014). Gestural behaviour as an indicator for measuring the quality of a doctor-patient-relationship. Poster presented at ICIP 2014, Université de Neuchatel.


Hand movements with a phase structure and gestures that depict action stem from a left hemispheric system of conceptualization

Helmich, I., & Lausberg, H. (2014). Hand movements with a phase structure and gestures that depict action stem from a left hemispheric system of conceptualization. Experimental Brain Research.


Neuropsychological functions of hand movements and gestures change in the presence or absence of speech

Helmich, I., Skomroch, H., & Lausberg, H. (2014). Neuropsychological functions of hand movements and gestures change in the presence or absence of speech. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 26 (7), 740-753, DOI: 10.1080/20445911.2014.961925


Perception and execution of action are subserved by a left-hemispheric system for praxis

Helmich, I., & Lausberg, H. (2014). Perception and execution of action are subserved by a left-hemispheric system for praxis. Abstract presented at The International Society for Gesture Studies (ISGS), Sixth Conference of the Society for Gesture Studies: Gesture in Interaction. University of California, San Diego, July 8-11, 2014


Persistent post-concussive symptoms are accompanied by decreased brain oxygenation using functional NIRS imaging

Helmich, I., Saluja, R.S., Lausberg, H., Kempe, M., Furley, P., Berger, A., Chen, J.-K., & Ptito, A. (2014). Persistent post-concussive symptoms are accompanied by decreased brain oxygenation using functional NIRS imaging. Abstract of talk given at 10th NeuroVisionen Conference, September 26th, 2014, Juelich, Germany



Aligning hand movement behaviour and intonation sequences

Skomroch, H., Lausberg, H., von Unterladstetter, V., Sandler, M., Strunk, J., & Himmelmann, N. (2013). Aligning hand movement behaviour and intonation sequences. Abstract presented at the Mapping Multimodal Dialogue (MaMuD), RWTH Aachen, November 2013.


Automatic Detection of Hand/Upper Body Movement and Facial Expressions as Cues to Feelings of Exclusion

Postma-Nilsenová, M., Postma, E., Balsters, M., Krahmer, E., Schaafsma, J., Swerts, M., Vingerhoets, A., Mol, L. (2013). Automatic Detection of Hand/Upper Body Movement and Facial Expressions as Cues to Feelings of Exclusion. Paper presented at the Tilburg Gesture Research Meeting, Tilburg, The Netherlands


AUVIS - Audiovisuelles Data-Mining am Beispiel der Ereignis-Segmentierung in multimodalen Sprachdaten

Skomroch, H., & Lausberg, H. (2013). AUVIS - Audiovisuelles Data-Mining am Beispiel der Ereignis-Segmentierung in multimodalen Sprachdaten. Paper presented at the Kick-Off Workshop der eHumanities-Verbundprojekte Leipzig, 8./9. April 2013.


Understanding Body Movement

Lausberg H. (Ed.) (2013). Understanding Body Movement. A Guide to Empirical Research on Nonverbal Behaviour. With an Introduction to the NEUROGES Coding System. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang, Berlin.


Calculating Temporal Interrater Agreement for Binary Movement Categories

Dvoretska, D., Petermann, K., & Skomroch, H. (2013). Calculating Temporal Interrater Agreement for Binary Movement Categories. In H. Lausberg (Ed.), Understanding Body Movement. A Guide to Empirical Research on Nonverbal Behaviour. With an Introduction to the NEUROGES Coding System. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang.


Evaluating NEUROGES Data on Interaction

Dvoretska, D., Kryger, M., & Lausberg, H. (2013). Evaluating NEUROGES Data on Interaction. In H. Lausberg (Ed.), Understanding Body Movement. A Guide to Empirical Research on Nonverbal Behaviour. With an Introduction to the NEUROGES Coding System. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang.


The Modified Cohen's Kappa: Calculating Interrater Agreement for Segmentation and Annotation

Holle, H., & Rein, R. (2013). The Modified Cohen's Kappa: Calculating Interrater Agreement for Segmentation and Annotation. In H. Lausberg (Ed.), Understanding Body Movement. A Guide to Empirical Research on Nonverbal Behaviour. With an Introduction to the NEUROGES Coding System. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang.


Movement Behaviour: A Pilot Study and some Further Suggestions

Rein, R. (2013). Using 3D Kinematics for the Analysis of Hand Movement Behaviour: A Pilot Study and some Further Suggestions. In H. Lausberg (Ed.), Understanding Body Movement. A Guide to Empirical Research on Nonverbal Behaviour. With an Introduction to the NEUROGES Coding System. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang.


Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of body psychotherapy in the treatment of negative symptoms of schizophrenia - a multi-centre randomised controlled trial

Priebe, S., Savill, M., Reininghaus, U, Wykes, T., Bentall, R., Lauber, C., McCrone, P., Röhricht, F., & Eldridge, S. (2013). Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of body psychotherapy in the treatment of negative symptoms of schizophrenia - a multi-centre randomised controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry, 13:26.


Gender differences in Hand Movement Behavior

Skomroch, H., Petermann, K., Helmich, I., Dvoretska, D., Rein, R., Kim, Z. H., Sassenberg, U., & Lausberg, H. (2013). Gender differences in Hand Movement Behavior. Paper presented at the Tilburg Gesture Research Meeting, Tilburg, The Netherlands.


Hand movements that accompany verbal descriptions differ from those during gestural demonstrations

Helmich, I., & Lausberg, H. (2013). Hand movements that accompany verbal descriptions differ from those during gestural demonstrations. Abstract presented at the Tilburg Gesture Research Meeting 2013, Tilburg, The Netherlands.


Kinesic Turn Taking and Mutual Understanding in Interactive Dyads

Dvoretska, D., Denissen, J., & Lausberg, H. (2013). Kinesic Turn Taking and Mutual Understanding in Interactive Dyads. Paper presented at the TiGeR 2013, Tilburg, The Netherlands.


NEUROGES - A coding system for the empirical analysis of hand movement behavior as a reflection of cognitive, emotional, and interactive processes

Lausberg, H. (2013). NEUROGES - A coding system for the empirical analysis of hand movement behavior as a reflection of cognitive, emotional, and interactive processes. In: Müller, Cienki, Fricke, Ladewig, McNeil, Teßendorf (eds.). Body - Language - Communication (HSK 38.1). An International Handbook on Multimodality in Human Interaction, p. 1022-1037. De Gruyter.


Neuropsychology of gesture production

Lausberg, H. (2013). Neuropsychology of gesture production. In: Müller, Cienki, Fricke, Ladewig, McNeil, Teßendorf (eds.). Body - Language - Communication (HSK 38.1). An International Handbook on Multimodality in Human Interaction, p. 168-182. De Gruyter.


Verbal and Nonverbal Intelligence Show Different Patterns of Hand Movement

Dvoretska, D., & Lausberg, H. (2013). Verbal and Nonverbal Intelligence Show Different Patterns of Hand Movement. Poster presented at the 55th Conference of Experimental Psychologist, Vienna.



Hand movement behavior with or without speech differs in its kinetic structure of nonverbal communication

Helmich, I., & Lausberg, H. (2012). Hand movement behavior with or without speech differs in its kinetic structure of nonverbal communication. Paper presented at the Measuring Behavior, Utrecht, The Netherlands.



Bewegungsverhalten als Indikator impliziter emotionaler Prozesse alexithymer und nicht-alexithymer Probanden

Helmich, I., Lausberg, H., & Sassenberg, U. (2011). Bewegungsverhalten als Indikator impliziter emotionaler Prozesse alexithymer und nicht-alexithymer Probanden. Poster presented at the 62. Jahrestagung des Deutschen Kollegiums für Psychosomatische Medizin (DKPM) und 19. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychosomatische Medizin und ärztliche Psychotherapie (DGPM). Deutscher Kongress für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, 23.-26.03.2011, Essen.


Das Gespräch zwischen Arzt und Patientin: Die bewegungsanalytische Perspektive

Lausberg, H. (2011). Das Gespräch zwischen Arzt und Patientin: Die bewegungsanalytische Perspektive. Balint Journal, 1, 15-24.


Gestisches Verhalten als Indikator therapeutischer Prozesse in der verbalen Psychotherapie: Zur Funktion der Selbstberührungen und zur Repräsentation von Objektbeziehungen in gestischen Darstellungen

Lausberg, H., Kryger, M. (2011). Gestisches Verhalten als Indikator therapeutischer Prozesse in der verbalen Psychotherapie: Zur Funktion der Selbstberührungen und zur Repräsentation von Objektbeziehungen in gestischen Darstellungen. In: Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft Band 1, Heft 1. Themenheft: Sieh mal, wie der spricht - der Körper in der Psychotherapie (Ulrich Sollmann (Hrsg.). Verein Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, Zürich.


Show your hands - are you really clever? Reasoning, Gesture Production, and Intelligence

Sassenberg, U., Foth, M., Wartenburger, I., & van der Meer, E.,. (2011). Show your hands - are you really clever? Reasoning, Gesture Production, and Intelligence. Linguistics, 49(1), 105-134.



Bewegungsverhalten von Patient und Therapeut in als gut und schlecht erlebten Therapiesitzungen

Kryger, M. (2010). Bewegungsverhalten von Patient und Therapeut in als gut und schlecht erlebten Therapiesitzungen. Diplomarbeit, German Sport University, Cologne.


Bewusstheit von Emotionen: Bewegungsverhalten als Indikator impliziter emotionaler Prozesse bei alexithymen und nicht-alexithymen Probanden

Lausberg, H., Helmich, I., and Sassenberg, U. (2010). Bewusstheit von Emotionen: Bewegungsverhalten als Indikator impliziter emotionaler Prozesse bei alexithymen und nicht-alexithymen Probanden. Paper presented at the Deutscher Kongress für Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie. Abstract in Psychologische Medizin, Sondernummer zur 61. Arbeitstagung des Deutschen Kollegiums für Psychosomatische Medizin (DKPM) und 18. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychosomatische Medizin und Ärztliche Psychotherapie (DGPM), Berlin.


Do We Really Gesture More When It Is More Difficult?

Sassenberg, U., & van der Meer, E. (2010). Do We Really Gesture More When It Is More Difficult? Cognitive Science, 34, 643-664.


Gesture production in the right and left hemispheres during narration of short stories

Skomroch, H., Rein, R. , Hogrefe, K., Goldenberg, G., & Lausberg, H. . (2010). Gesture production in the right and left hemispheres during narration of short stories. Abstract presented at the International Society for Gesture Studies, Frankfurt/Oder.


On the relationship between fluid intelligence, gesture production, and brain structure

Wartenburger, I., Kühn, E., Sassenberg, U., Foth, M., Franz, E.A., & van der Meer, E. (2010). On the relationship between fluid intelligence, gesture production, and brain structure. Intelligence 38: 193-201.


Towards Semi-Automatic Annotations for Video and Audio Corpora

Masneri, S., Schreer, O., Schneider, D., Tschöpel, S., Bardeli, R., Bordag, S., Auer, E., Sloetjes, H., and Wittenburg, P.:
Towards Semi-Automatic Annotations for Video and Audio Corpora,
4th Workshop on Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Corpora and Sign Language Technologies in conjunction with 7th Int. Conf. on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Malta, June 22, 2010.



Kinetische Interaktion und Koordination

Dvoretska, D. (2009). Kinetische Interaktion und Koordination. Diplomarbeit, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin.



Speech-independent production of communicative gestures: Evidence from patients with complete callosal disconnection

Lausberg, H., Zaidel, E., Cruz, R. F., & Ptito, A. (2007). Speech-independent production of communicative gestures: Evidence from patients with complete callosal disconnection. Neuropsychologia, 45, 3092-3104.



The content of the message influences the hand choice in co-speech gestures and in gesturing without speaking

Lausberg, H., & Kita, S. (2003). The content of the message influences the hand choice in co-speech gestures and in gesturing without speaking. Brain and Language, 86, 57-69.



Hemispheric specialization in spontaneous gesticulation in a patient with callosal disonnection

Lausberg, H., Davis, M., & Rothenhäusler, A. (2000). Hemispheric specialization in spontaneous gesticulation in a patient with callosal disonnection. Neuropsychologia, 38, 1654-1663.
